Our History

Haygrove has been operating in South Africa since 2001.  However Haygrove introduced field scale tunnels into the UK 17 years before this and is now actively protecting crops in 57 countries world wide.

In the first few years in South Africa, the current MD, Mark Pritchett, ran Haygrove with a very small team. Haygrove has now grown to a company employing over 80 full time employees with dedicated departments including sales, finance, warehouse, ops, HR and project management. 

Due to specific local growers needs and our challenging climate, the South African product range constantly adapted and evolved to the current range that balances costs and strengths against real payback for the grower.

Running parallel to Haygrove Growing Systems business the Haygrove farming production started in South Africa around the same time. The farms grew from a small strawberry production unit in the Hemel-en- Aarde Valley near Hermanus in the Western Cape to now employing over 2100 staff members during peak season over three farms around South Africa growing raspberries, blueberries and blackberries

The farms in South Africa has enabled Haygrove to trial new products on a field scale basis before launching them commercially.

In 2014 the Haygrove growing system business moved to its current location, Panorama farm in Grabouw in the Western Cape. Apart from it being a stunning setting this site offered the opportunity for Haygrove to expand its office and warehouse space, start a fabrication unit and build some demo tunnels.

Our demo site not only provides our clients with the opportunity to see the entire product range but allows our R & D team to ensure we are constantly being innovative and practically testing ideas after listing to growers needs.


In 2014 we also introduced fabrication into our business to ensure we reduced costs and ensure quicker delivery times to our customers.

Over the last 5 years we have developed a project management team with a project management model. Tunnel construction is managed by Haygrove with the growers resources to ensure the build is done as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.


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