Haygrove Tunnels (Shade net structures)

Currently we have two options for shade net structures.

Option 1: Haygrove shade net structure comes in at double the leg spacing of our plastic structures. The reason for this being that there is far less resistance against wind from shade netting than plastic. We therefore space the legs at 4.4 meter distance from each other. We have many farmers who start of their farming venture with a shade net structure when capital is a shortage. Then in year 3-5 they will convert everything to plastic by purchasing more hoops and legs.

Option 2: Pole and cable system. The attached picture is over Apples. Trials are being conducted on the benefits of different shade net colours and percentages with their effects on the trees. This system is about half the price of the Haygrove shade net structure. But is made of wood. And depending on how it is constructed, can battle to stand up to serve hail storms or snow. Whereas the Haygrove shade net structure sheds hail. And can handle snow if managed. And always gives you the option to convert to plastic cover. The steel also insures some sort of re sale value later.

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